Above all the others, we'll fly...
The Cult of
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
HTC EVO 3D 'rough launch date' June 4?
The question on the tip of many a tongue of late is "When will the HTC EVO 3D be released?" We might now have an answer. Tucked deep inside some forums is the screen shot you see above, which shows "Rough launch date is June 4th." We can't vouch for the source, and we all know how release dates are subject to change, but this is one of the first times we've seen even a rough date put to paper, so there's that.
Will it pan out? Will we soon have an announcement for the HTC EVO 3D on Sprint? News at 11.

How To Dominate: Kratos On Mortal Kombat
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NetherRealm Studios and Sony Santa Monica Studios collaborated closely to ensure that God of War’s ultra-violent antihero was faithfully recreated for his highly anticipated (and PS3-exclusive) Mortal Kombat debut. Now that the shrink wrap is off the game, my hands-on play sessions have yielded some powerful tactics. First, a few observations:

Head of Helios: Down, Back, Triangle
Notes: Stuns enemies, easily chained into combos, Enhanced version adds extra damage
Apollo’s Bow: Down, Forward, Triangle
Notes: Fires two projectiles, Enhanced version fires three
Zeus Rage: Down, Forward, X
Notes: Follow the button prompts to complete, Enhanced version adds third hit
Golden Fleece: Down, Back, Square
Notes: Parries incoming attacks, triggers counterattack, redirects projectiles
Hermes Dash: Back, Forward, Circle
Notes: Can be charged up for extra damage, will hit airborne enemies

Blade of Olympus: Down, Down, Back, Forward, Triangle (sweep distance)Medusa’s Gaze: Down, Back, Down, Forward, Square (jump distance)
Killer Kratos Combos
Kratos’ most damaging strings tend to open with a basic style combo, transition to the Helios Head, and conclude with an ultra-damaging Olympic Ascension juggle. With a little experimentation and a lot of hands-on time, I crafted the heavy hitting combos below. But this is just the beginning. Be sure to share your favorite Kratos combos (include a sweet name!) in the comments below, and I’ll update the list with the best community picks.

Forward + Triangle, Helios Head, Pandora’s Soul (Forward + Circle, Back + hold Triangle), Olympic Toss (Circle in mid-air)
6 hits, 39% Damage
Jump kick, Enhanced Zeus Wrath (Down, Forward, X + R2)
5 hits, 23% Damage
Circle, Helios Head, Enhanced Hermes Dash (Back, Forward, Circle + R2)
3 hits, 23% Damage
Jump punch, Athena’s Fury (Triangle, Square, Triangle), Apollo’s Bow
6 hits, 20% Damage
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Is The End Is Near?
Religion! Hahahahaha
Sprint Nexus S 4G
OK, all you boys and girls on Sprint -- the Nexus S 4G has finally arrived! You get the latest version of Android (that'd be Android 2.3.4, with the new Google Talk video chat), the promise of the latest updates, the "Pure Google" experience, all in a sleek, lightweight Samsung shell.
Oh, and Sprint's 4G Wimax data.
It's available today for $199 if you sign a two-year contract, or $549 if you want to skip such formalities. And remember that it's subject to Sprint's $10-a-month "premium data add-on" tax. But that's that price you've gotta pay. So, who's in?
Update: Best Buy's got it on sale for $150 on contract.